
What is "YesWeCode"?

This is the third edition of YesWeCode, a series of coding challenges. It can be a mix of anything (bot programming, cryptography, steganography, simulation, and so on), but most of all, it's a lot of fun!

What is this edition of YesWeCode?

This edition will be a CTF that will take place on Thursday, March 13th, 2025 from 7pm to 11:30pm (GMT+1).

A CTF (Capture The Flag) is a cybersecurity competition where participants solve challenges to find hidden flags, typically representing vulnerabilities or pieces of information. In short, a challenge is composed of a description with a set of associated files, and your role is to find out the flag (the answer). Have a look at the Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

For this edition, we want to emphasize teamwork and fun, each team can have up to four members!

Each time you solve a challenge, you get rewarded with points. At the end of the event, the top three teams will receive gifts!

Who can participate?

Anyone can participate! We would still recommend to have some knowledge about computer science or programming. You compete as a team (up to four) to conquer the world!

How to register?

Very simple, create your account and create or join a team. To join a team, you either need its name and the team password, or you can ask the team's captain an invitation link.